Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Can't Go Anywhere.

This political year is going to do me in. Because for some reason I am physically incapable of ignoring it. It being all the pre-game hoopla.

I managed to do this quite well in years past...when the HcQ was glued to (and yelling at) the telly, while I was snuggled up in my corner, jaded. So over politics. And now we've completely flip flopped. And I won't be able to get anything done if there's a TV in a ten-mile radius with people flapping about poll numbers, quarters of percentage points and campaign managers' hairstyles. I'm doomed.

Plus. Then. Once I get away from the magnetic power of my kitchen TV, everyone in my office wants to talk about it. And everyone has a different favorite candidate. The long-time always Democrat is for Paul. The independent is for Obama. The Republican is for Edwards. It's all so very confusing.

So what the heck? Why is this one so exciting? I read earlier that this is the first presidential election in 50 years that doesn't have an incumbent running, or a VP running. So, in other words, it's the first time in five decades that it's pretty wide open.

Anything could happen.

Anything. Like for instance, Anderson Cooper could follow anyone on Twitter.

Anderson. Oh Anderson. I go to my email box this morning, and there's a request from him to follow me. And I say, heck yes, he can follow me anywhere. And of course I'm now following him. Because he's fab. And funny.

So there's that.

But I'm not sure that's enough to make up for the amount of time I'm losing staple-gunned to the tube and the youtube and the twitter and the like.

Anyone else addicted? Do we need to start a support group? Because I think it's going to be a long year.

Edited to add: Karen just twittered this link quiz to select a candidate that best aligns with your views and opinions. You people are killing me.

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