Saturday, February 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Oscars Flag Day con Queso to Me

So I'm back. After much unusual, essentially crappy activity last week, everyone's better, well, rested and not whining all day long, more like the normal 60%. It's awesome.

Plus, today we're celebrating because I'm 107. I know you're surprised to hear it. Many have told me I don't look a day over 92. I cling to that good news and am eternally grateful for those generous words.

(Can you tell I've been watching a real whole lot of The Tudors lately? And therefore my good friends, this is why I will be using verbiage like cling, papal, bosom, besotted, excommunicate and ye verily.)

Plus according to my lovely little mac widget entitled "Today's Reason to Drink":

It's February 24, 2008:
Wave your shot of tequila in the air, because it's Flag Day in Mexico!

Looks like tequila's in order. So exactly as we did last year, we'll be spending the Oscars sipping a little something we call Beergaritas. And again, as we did last year, we'll spread the yeeehaw love with official Texas con Queso Ya'll Stolen from Jenny Beergarita Recipe.

Jenny's (Yeeeeehaw Ya'll) Beergarita

1 can Lime juice frozen concentrate (Limeade)
1 of the above can's full of Tequila
1⁄2 (more or less) of the Lime juice can of Triple Sec

1 of the lime juice can's of 7-Up
1 bottle of Corona

above all together, serve over ice and get lit.

(If Hillary would just stop yelling about direct mail pieces (yawn), and get down here and start making these bad boys for a variety of people, I'm telling you, she'd be doing much better in the Texas polls. Hear that Hillary's people? Call me for more tips on winning Texans' hearts. Or on getting lit. You're gonna need to be doing one or the other.)

And only a few more hours until the Oscars, when I predict all the winners and take everyone's money. It's just sad. We'll chat more on that on Monday. But until then, I won't tell you how I'll be voting. I'll just say no matter what you'll be drinking, I drink your milkshake. I drink it up.

Mmmm. Cake, beergaritas and milkshakes. Yum.

We're so going to be sick again this week.

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