Tuesday, February 26, 2008

And then I'll shut up.

I'm going to go to a lunch today with a certain daughter of a certain President. Me and lots of others, mind you. And there will be a lot going on, and a lot of really fantastic kids being helped, so I won't be asking her about her upcoming wedding or her fave Chuy's marg flavor. At least, I probably won't.

Then, after that, I'm going to vote. Because in Texas we can vote early this week, and I'm already hearing that the lines for early voting are super long, so I can't even imagine what it's going to be like next Tuesday.

Because a lot of people are paying attention this time. We've seen all 20 debates. And read all the issues. And taken the quiz on our perfect match. Of course we all have.

And I thought I knew my choice.

But then I saw this site and the video it features.

And I love it. Because it's so how it is.

Really, this is how we really roll down here. Walk down any street. Odds are you'll be greeted by any number of matching-outfit mariachi bands singing about whatever is on their minds. Our city streets are basically mariachi operas. Really. Sometimes we even ride our horses and shoot our guns in the air. Like we just don't care. All the while keeping perfect time on our guitars and maintaining perfectly styled necktie bows.

So, not totally because of this kooky ad. But kinda. And also for about 105 other reasons, in this time and in this election, I'm saying Viva Obama con Queso! Si se puede!

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