Sunday, January 11, 2009

30 Days to Make a Habit

I wrote the above on Twitter two weeks ago and got a number of disagreeing responses. This doesn't really matter, and is probably an entirely different post (because he so is, and I'll tell you why), but the point is, Will Smith is smart. As I was typing that Twitter post, I was watching him on Jay Leno, and he said something that made a lot of sense to me.

He says he attempts to set an example for his kids by reading everyday and running everyday. His philosophy is, if you do these two things, almost everything else falls in line.

This makes a lot of sense to me. Read everyday. Run everyday. Simple. I'm adding write everyday as well, and that takes me to my next three ambitions for 2009.

Read everyday. Not a lot. Just a little. Right before sleeping. I'd like to finish one book a month. Totally doable.

Run everyday. To be realistic, everyday is four days a week in my mind. And running is walking. Or yoga. Or running. Whatever. Movement of some kind. At least a little.

Write everyday. This doesn't mean write on this blog. This just means write somewhere. (I have been posting daily at Cool Stuff, so there's that.) This really isn't a problem. In fact, it's a gimme goal.

So far I've kept to these. Okay, it's only the 11th, but I'm all for celebrating baby steps.

I'm also attempting to make four Blurb books and to cook more.

Hey, it could happen.

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