Sunday, August 26, 2007


I've been to so many events over the last week. Too many. And as a rule, if it's more than four, I can't really recall or recount them. Unless there is photographic evidence. And in a few cases, that is the case. So I'll start with this one.

I think we've established that I'm an idiot when it comes to soccer. But even still, I was invited by the good people of the Houston Dynamo to attend their Soccer 101 event, a non-American-football festival for females. An attempt to educate me. This is actually a very good thing because a.) soccer is playing on our kitchen tele 24/7; b.) the HcQ recites random facts about players, teams, rules, and more to me on a regular basis; and c.) the players are totally cute.
So we went. And we played soccer. And it was fantastic. And I was horrible.

We broke into group and did drills with a variety of star players . This was supposed to be an amateur gig, but we had a group of cleat girls in our group that took their kicking VERY seriously.
Very seriously. Plus, they were wearing cleats.
Who owns cleats? The girls in our group, that's who.

I drug the HcQ along, and he took a variety of photos and verified that I was definitely the one of the "girliest" girls out there. Not sure what that means exactly, but I think it has something to do with my awesome form.
As you can see, I'm moving faster than the speed of film.

All in all it was a fantastic event. And now I'm a complete fan. If you've been awake the last few months, you know that MLS Soccer is getting some pretty good press these days thanks to Mr. Posh, and I must say, I think that's fantastic. Because the game is incredibly pure. The sponsorships are meager. The players aren't playing for millions (Well, except for Mr. Posh, of course. But the vast majority are hovering around teachers' salaries.) They play because they love the sport. It's obvious, and it's refreshing. And, even though these are professional events, they have the flavor of a small college match-up. In other words, you feel like you're a part of something good...not some over-produced advertisement for sportswear and beer. Plus, the fans are passionate. And I should know, I live with one of them.

So I'm taking my soccer fan and we're heading to the hills for the week. We're going to almost Canada to see, well, I'm not sure what. But I think they have Wi-Fi in Idaho (Idaho? Yes. Idaho.), so I'll be blogging from there. I'll let you know what we discover. Hopefully it won't be too eventful.

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