Thursday, May 15, 2008

Welcome To My Week

I feel like I'm just waking up, and it's almost Friday. How did that happen? Where did this week go? Well, I'll tell you where it went.

Monday: Sk*rt became Kirtsy. Letters got rearranged. The site address is different. But basically everything else is the same. I've been pretty silent about this process, but I definitely do have a few things to say about it. I'll post about the whole thing next week

Tuesday: I read this fantastic book called Were You Raised by Wolves? Clues to the Mysteries of Modern Living by Christie Mellor. This book is hilarious. It's also now my official must-buy gift for 20 somethings graduating from college and/or entering into the life force. I'm posting a review on it that I did for Parent Bloggers Network on Cool Stuff today.

Wednesday: Speaking of our 20s, some friends of mine and I were interviewed by the Houston Chronicle about how we used to watch Sex and the City every Sunday night a decade ago (a DECADE ago!)...and how our lives have changed since the show first came on the air. I almost didn't agree to do the article for obvious reasons. Oh the cliches abound. We're just hoping the article doesn't take any scary turns, but instead talks about how important girlfriends are. Because girlfriends are. Important. (We're doing a photo shoot for it next week. And I'll post the final results, assuming there are no double chins involved.)

Thursday: I went the entire day without drinking coffee. No one knows why. 

Friday:  We are driving to Tulsa to attend a wedding. Because that's what we do. I hope to have some mad-cap zany adventures to share next week (and photos with lots of single chins).  I mean, it is Tulsa people. Par-tay. I can't wait to see what happens.

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